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A-STAR Pathfinding AI for HTML5 Canvas Games
Knowing how to get from point A to point B is something many games require. Whether you're designing a deep turn-based strategy tactics RPG or a simple puzzle game, navigating your game world often requires more intelligence from your game characters than merely pointing towards a goal and moving in a straight line.
Compiling to JavaScript: What, Why, and How?
As more and more companies jump onto the HTML5 bandwagon, the JavaScript part of their applications gains in complexity and developers have started feeling some growing pains. So some people have started to bridge the gap.
High-Performance, Garbage-Collector-Friendly Code
If you’re developing a game that has many things happening at the same time, say a weapon that fires missiles 5 times per second -- not an unreasonable weapon fire rate for a high-speed shooter -- you’ll quickly discover that one area of substantial impact to performance is object construction and subsequent garbage collection.
JavaScript Game Code Organization
First I'll discuss organizing JavaScript code into files and modules. Then I'll talk about code sharing approaches such as component systems. Lastly I'll share some ideas for writing data-driven code in games.